Sunday, December 29, 2019

Five Ways to Motivate your Team to Harvest Low-Hanging Fruit

Five Ways to Motivate your Team to Harvest Low-Hanging FruitFive Ways to Motivate your Team to Harvest Low-Hanging FruitFive Ways to Motivate your Team to Harvest Low-Hanging Fruit Eden and Terri Long, authors of Low-Hanging Fruit 77 Eye-Opening Ways to Improve Productivity and Profits (Wiley, 2014)The best ideas to improve organizations come from engaging those closest to the work. Good ideas usually do elend just pop into peoples heads (unless they are in the shower, of course) they come as the result of many people throughout the company trying hard to see and solve problems.This may not require a lot of time, but it does require motivation. Creating and sustaining that motivation requires that your team have a personal desire to improve the company.Motivating managers is, by far, the single most important modul to growing earnings. The good news is that it is also the easiest to get right.1)Create an Idea-Based BudgetIf your annual budget process is a few months away, then use t hat as a great motivation to start now.You will be able to start your budget process already knowing that you have a large, new, source of funds. How great will it feel to start a budget process knowing that you have millions of new dollars already identified for the next yearInstead of the normal budgets that have holes (many quite gaping) that need to be filled, you will be starting out with a surplus that you are figuring out how to deploy.Even mora importantly, you will have achieved the holy grail of all CFOs a budget that is as solid as a rock. The key is to create an Idea-Based Budget.2)The Five Surprising Words I want everyone on board.Lately, executives have tended toward a more inclusive management style. Decisions are more often made collectively by a team rather than individually by the person in charge. And not just by a democratic vote. Many leaders now want unanimity.Leaders play more of a coaching role, than the star player role.But some leaders have gone too far. T he five surprising words that stop good executives from being great leaders are I want everyone on board.Decisions are stymied because leaders cede to some member of their team the right to veto. We see it often.Just one member out of 20 might not like the idea but the decision is just as dead as if all 20 of the team hated iteven if the boss likes itWhat they should not do is allow opinions without facts to substitute for their own good judgment. You should not delegate veto power to team members when their objections are just opinions like, I dont feel comfortable with this or I dont think it will work but I cant explain why or I just dont like this approach.3) If You Want the Money, Spend the Time For better or worse, the things that leaders personally engage in become the highest priorities for their teams. There is no substitute for your personal leadership to create focus and energy.Your team will follow your example. Your motivational e-mails, speeches, and memos can amplify your leadership by example, but they cannot ever replace it.When you walk the walk, you will find that you are doing so on a two-way street. In one direction, you are able to motivate managers through inspiration, passion, and expertise. Think coach.In the other direction, and just as important, your teams will teach you about what is really going on in the company, about the depth of your bench and the overlooked talent, about connections between divisions you had not realized, and about your real company culture.What you learn will change how you lead. It is similar to becoming an undercover boss, but without the cameras No PowerPoint presentations, no memos, no e-mails can substitute for learning directly from those closest to the work.4) Executive Motivators that Demotivate Everyone Else Hypocrisy is one of the best tools you have to demotivate your team.We are not against off-site meetings and retreats, but we are against wasting time and money. One executive decided to use hi s retreat as an exercise in motivation and problem solving He set up a contest to get the best ideas about where to hold a retreat that would be more fun, more productive, and less expensive than any past ones. He got many good ideas.One idea that was a huge hit was to replace a long, fancy dinner with dinner at a local dive (think the Food Networks Diners, Drive-ins and Dives) that was unique, had great food, and was very inexpensive.That was truly walking the walk5) The Corporate Imposter SyndromeHow often have you heard a manager say, weve looked into that when given a suggestion. Often times, this is merely a covert dismissal of an idea from someone outside the immediate team.This syndrome is remarkably easy to banish.First, acknowledge this fear frequently and loudly before you ask everyone to find new problems to solve. Second, leaders should make it clear that they believe that the best-performing managers do better than poorly-performing managers at finding more. Why? Great managers are better at motivating their teams, at finding and fixing problems, and at getting decisions made.Third, make sure that you sincerely commend people every time they reveal a new problem to solveExcerpted with permission of the publisher, Wiley, from Low-Hanging Fruit 77 Eye-Opening Ways to Improve Productivity and Profits by Jeremy Eden and Terri Long. Copyright (c) 2014 by Jeremy Eden and Terri Long. All rights reserved. This book is available at all bookstores and online booksellers.Author BiosJeremy Eden and Terri Long are the Co-CEOs of Harvest Earnings, an advisory services firm that helps companies to engage their employees in growing earnings and improving the customer experience. They have helped companies like PNC Financial, H.J. Heinz, and Manpower to reduce costs and increase revenues by millions of dollars. Jeremy has decades of consulting and performance improvement experience in business including at McKinsey Co. Terri was in the corporate banking world for eighteen years before joining Jeremy over a decade ago. They are based in Chicago.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

5 Signs That a Company Offers Upward Mobility

5 Signs That a Company Offers Upward Mobility5 Signs That a Company Offers Upward Mobility If youre one of the 94 percent of employees who would stay at a company longer if it invested in their careers, you may be looking for signs of future advancement as you interview for new jobs. This isnt always easy to spot. However, there are a few clear signs that a company encourages upward mobility, according to the employees of AdRoll Group , a company that prioritizes developing (and retaining) their in-house talent.As you interview for your next big gig, take a closer look and ask the right questions, looking for the signs of a company that values upward mobility.Managers need to be your cheerleaders, while also challenging you to step outside of your comfort zone . This was apparent when talking with the AdRoll team about how their managers played crucial roles in their growth.Head of Customer Operations at AdRoll, Emma Gilroy, explains, We are genuinely motivated to develop people and see them grow. Even if I have a really amazing team, Im always looking at what each persons next step is. While I hate to lose them, Im always encouraging them to think beyond their current role.Along with guidance needs to be trust, according to Darragh Fitzpatrick, VP of Sales & Account Management, who said I think the area that was really powerful for me was the level of trust I was given. The thought was they knew me and Id proven that I could do this role, so I got a chance to move into new opportunities.A company that uses their top talent to berater up-and-coming staff shows that they value career development . As Head of Product Strategy at AdRoll, Larissa Licha was fortunate to have a top-level mentor at AdRoll, which made her take a completely different career path than she would have expected.During my first year, Valentino the companys CTO was a really key mentor Having mentorship and the company give me leverage to do things that are not my core com petencies, and motivate me to challenge myself, got me to a role that I never thought I would be exposed to. To find out whether this is an important part of the culture at the company youre considering, ask about mentorship during your interview.Communication is paramount to successful employee development - employees cant understand their strengths and weaknesses without the proper feedback . I have always been encouraged to give feedback and participate in the broader organization, says Licha. There are a lot of ways to learn from people in different departments.Participating in the feedback conversation was how Licha found her voice , which ultimately allowed her to progress in the company. However, she reminds, you cant just offer an opinion. I decided to be noisy about problems but also proactive about coming up with solutions, which gave me visibility.An organization with open communication that encourages feedback will help you understand your core competencies so that you can hone your skills and grow in your role.While leaders must encourage and challenge their team, they must also be accessible to their staff. Exposure to leadership equates to exposure to the big-picture goals of an organization, which helps you understand the company objectives, as well as where you fit and how you can make a difference moving forward.Just as the CTO mentored Licha, the other leaders of AdRoll were present for and inspired their staff. She explains I had exposure to leadership when I started, which gave me an important, broader perspective.If a company is transparent and leaders are intentionally available to staff, this helps in the overall advancement of the entire team.The mindset of growth needs to permeate an entire organization in order to inspire employees like yourself to take on new roles and progress in your career. Emma Gilroy explains AdRolls approach The people programs we have are really important, but I believe internal mobility stems from a genu ine interest in everyones growth and development. The best way I can describe it is we encourage employees to always be learning , and always be developing.John Shin, Lead Business Operations Manager at AdRoll, also says that he approaches everything with a growth mindset. The company rewards people who work really hard and are open to learning. Those attributes are valuable elements for success. Show your ability and desire to work within a growth mindset environment to find a company that will allow you to excel.Growth-focused companies want to attract top talent and develop them into future leaders . If you want to find an organization that celebrates internal mobility and career growth, use these insider tips to find the right match.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Your Guide to Your First Week on the Job - The Muse

Your Guide to Your First Week on the Job - The MuseYour Guide to Your First Week on the Job You walk through the revolving door of the lobby toward the elevator, soaking in your surroundings- theres not a familiar face in the building. You straighten out your suit, press 12, and take a deep breath Once those doors re-open, your first week of work will officially begin.Whether its your first position or your fifth, those first few days on the job can be more than a little intimidating. But with these key rules, you can get comfortable in your new surroundings, get up to speed quickly, and get off on the right foot with your new boss and co-workersDo Be a SpongeOne of your most important duties your first week is absorbing everything. Getting to know your companys culture, the working and communication styles of your teammates, the schwierigkeit projects, bro politics, and department or company-wide goals means that youll be able to start your real work sooner (and be more effective wh en you do).So, go to the new hire orientation, sign up for professional development classes, and attend all the team and office meetings you can, even if youre not yet sure whats going on or they dont 100% pertain to your work. Also join in on the informal events. If you get asked to lunch, happy hour, or the office softball league(either as a participant or onlooker), say yes. Its a great way to meet people, and it shows that youre excited to be part of the team.Dont Overcommit YourselfDo be careful, though, to balance your schedule- you want to have plenty of time to learn the ropes from your desk. The last thing you want is to look like you have too much to juggle, seem overwhelmed, or show up late to a commitment because youre stuck somewhere else.Do Ask QuestionsAs you learn about new processes, projects, and people, dont be afraid to ask questions. You need to get up to speed, and people will expect it from the new part on the team. Also take down detailed notes about everythi ng you learn, even if it seems simple. Your brain is going to be on overload this week, and writing everything down will make sure you dont have to ask the same question twice.Dont Be Afraid to Speak UpAt the same time, dont be afraid to contribute and add value- you do want to reinforce that youre the right person for the job No, you wont know everything (nor should you act like you do), but you can make suggestions in team meetings or brainstorming sessions, or ask questions like, Has this been tried before? And if you have a skill or ability that youve been hired to bring to the team, pipe up and share that knowledge. But be careful to read your audience. You dont want to come on like gangbusters or step on someones toes.Do Offer to HelpThere may be some down time during your first few days on the job as your boss and team adjust to having you there. But dont sit around waiting for others to figure out tasks for you- volunteer to help your new teammates on a project. Youll show i nitiative, youll build rapport with your boss and co-workers, and youll learn about expectations, procedures, and how things are done.Dont Turn Down Help or AdviceIf your boss or co-workers give you advice or offer to help you with a task or project, take them up on it- yes, even if youre totally capable of handling things yourself. Its a great way to bond with your office mates, plus you may get valuable insight into the companys expectations or a more efficient way to do the work youll be given.Do Find a MentorIt never hurts to have an experienced, knowledgeable, successful professional to bounce ideas off of and be groomed by, but its especially useful when youre the newbie. Look around. Who are the stars of the organization- the ones who radiate likability, confidence, and initiative? Introduce yourself, and pick their brains.Dont Rely Only on Your New MentorUndoubtedly, the people who make you feel most comfortable will become your go-tos as you navigate your first week. But re member the time it takes for people to help you out is time being taken away from their own tasks. Be sensitive to this by trying to figure things out for yourself first, asking a variety of people when you do have questions, and showing appreciation for everyone who helps you out.Do Keep Your Boss InformedThroughout the week, ask for periodic meetings with your boss (instead of popping in her office for every question you have). In addition to getting her direction on projects and tasks, you should use this time to update her on what youre learning and who youre meeting with.Ask questions like Are there additional tasks I should be taking on or skills I should be learning? and Can you give me feedback on the project I just completed? to show initiative, but also do a lot of listening, too. Your boss feedback and insight is going to be one of your greatest resources at this point- after all, youre going to be spending the next weeks, months, and maybe even years working for her, and learning how she thinks early on will serve you well.Dont Compare Everything to Your Last JobSurely you could rattle off things you loved (or loathed) about your last job and how this position compares- but dont You want to give yourself every opportunity to shine, and that means keeping your initial first week impressions to yourself. Youre in a new place, and this is a new opportunity, so embrace it and move forward

Sunday, December 15, 2019

How to Answer Interview Questions About Anger at Work

How to Answer Interview Questions About Anger at WorkHow to Answer Interview Questions About Anger at WorkWhen interviewers ask, When welches the last time you were angry? What happened? they want to know how you might handle stressful situations at work. The real meaning of the word angry to an interviewer is a loss of control, and its important to know that you can handle difficult situations while remaining professional. In your response, you should share a moment when you felt angry at work, but make sure the experience, and your reaction to it, does notlage reflect poorly upon you. How to Answer As well as asking about the last time you were angry, you may hear the similarinterview question,What makes you angry? Your answer to any question about anger should contain two components. First, describe the particular situation that frustrated you, and then explain how you handled that situation. The situation should be work-related, and not sohonigweinhing that happened in your p ersonal life. Keep your explanation brief and to the point. When describing the situation, avoid heated words like hate or even angry. Instead, use less intense words to describe your anger, like frustrated or disappointed. This will emphasize that you are not one to lose control in a difficult scenario. As you answer, keep your tone even or light - that is, you dont want to seem fired up just recounting the situation. Try to select a situation that does not involve a previous boss or manager, as this will make you appear to be an easily disgruntled employee. Similarly, while it is fine to mention being frustrated by someones unprofessional behavior or a difficult situation, do not spend too much time blaming or attacking someone else in your answer. Its also not to your advantage to mention something that could portray you in a bad light or something so minor and petty. Your interviewer might wonder why it riled you up. Briefly mention the behavior or event that bothered you, and then move on to the solution. Make sure to explain how you handled the situation, with an emphasis on your calm, professional manner in dealing with it. For example, if you were frustrated by an employees behavior, explain how you met with him or her and provided constructive feedback that led to a positive change in their actions. Another option for answering this question is to say that you typically do not get angry at work. This demonstrates both that you do not lose control at work and that you realize that kind of behavior is inappropriate. However, after explaining this, you should still describe a time when you were frustrated or disappointed by something at work, and how you handled it. To deny that you ever become frustrated would make you appear insincere. The STAR approach can be a real asset in formulating your response to these types of questions. Examples of the Best Answers I try to look at every situation from an analytical perspective, and not let my emotions d ictate my actions. I have had employees in the past whose professionalism has been questionable, and who have not met the requirements of the job. In those situations, I have found that the best policy is to be honest about the issues and offer clear strategies for improvement.I dont think anger is an appropriate workplace emotion. I have dealt with situations that I found frustrating for example, I had a coworker who was very confrontational in her written and oral communication. I felt like I was constantly being criticized for things beyond my control. I sat down with her and talked about ways that we could improve our communication. After having that calm, productive conversation, our relationship as co-workers improved greatly, and we actually became collaborators on a number of successful projects. Anger to me means loss of control. I dont lose control. When I get stressed, I step back, take a deep breath, thoughtfully think through the situation and then begin to formulate a plan of action. For instance, when I am given multiple projects to complete in a short amount of time, I come up with a strategy for how to complete the work in a steady, methodical manner that will not overwhelm me.When I was working on a major project with a team, I got frustrated when one team member failed to deliver an asset on schedule, after promising it would be ready. I took a moment to walk around the block, then invited the team member out for coffee to talk about what happened and how I could help. My approach focused on how can we fix this in the future rather than on the many ways the co-worker messed up. I was glad I took the time to chill out since it turned out my co-worker was dealing with serious personal health issues and unforgiving deadlines from several other projects.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The Chronicles of Cna Resume Skills

The Chronicles of Cna Resume Skills What You Can Do About Cna Resume Skills Starting in the Next 2 Minutes Requirements for the CNA skills test will be different from state to state, so make certain you are acquainted with your parteicular states requirements. When you have graduated and passed your certification, you will be taking part in an occupation our full medical system is dependent on in order to work. When you make an application for work in person, you could be requested to complete a paper application. This list consists of generalities surrounding good attire in regards to the Texas CNA state test, in plus-rechnen to testing sites in most of different states in the usa. Get the Scoop on Cna Resume Skills Before Youre Too Late Looking for your very first job in your selected field can be daunting. Volunteer Work If you have hardly any work experience to include, long-term volunteer tasks may be excellent substitution. Whether youre searching for your very first j ob or your next one, you will need a resume that shows employers that youre a skilled professional. Cna Resume Skills Features A listing of a few of the videos are available here. You wish to be certain individuals selected as testimonials will bring about your job search. If youre not certain how to phrase your skills, or in case you desire examples of objective statements, check out some job websites for ideas. The One Thing to Do for Cna Resume Skills It is possible to download and edit depending on your experience and techniques. Please make sure each skill has been taught and the trainee was found proficient before dating and signing. Youll be expected to use your newly learned skills to reveal your instructor you may apply them on real men and women. Listing the skills is likewise very important. CNA Practice Tests are the ideal approach to get ready for your upcoming CNA exam. ESL students should have completed Level 5. Students with a felony wont be permitted t o finish a CNA course. Nurse Assistant students that are pregnant must supply a physicians statement with approval to take part in the program. Some might also play an active part in the theater during surgeries by assisting surgeons in many ways. Certified nursing assistants are predicted to manage elderly men and women, the physically incapacitated, in addition to patients that are in the procedure for redeckblatty. As a CNA, you want to see that it isnt only direct skills like placing a patient in a suitable position but in addition kindness and attention can assist your patients feel much better. The nurse should finish the admission interview and assessment and coordinate all elements of care. The Hidden Truth on Cna Resume Skills Written instructions are provided to the student at the moment. There are a number of nurse aide skills videos which show you just how to carry out a given skill step-by-step. Practice Questions with Answers Here you can discover an absolut ely free practice exam with answers. The question content and format are very similar to what you could expect on the true CNA exam. There are lots of high-quality videos around the internet that cover the many skills that a CNA must master to pass the clinical part of the CNA exam. Getting ready for a CNA exam by employing free online CNA practice tests is an effective means to study. The Bad Secret of Cna Resume Skills Responsibilities consist of basic nursing tasks related to meeting physical requirements and activities of day-to-day living. Medical facilities may get chaotic if staff arent careful. One of the chief CNA duties is observing the customers day-to-day physical and mental well-being. Youll discover useful information on the number of skills will be tested and how long youll have. Each skill is a succession of steps which you must know and follow during the evaluation. The skills part is definitely the most essential part of the exam and constitutes the mos t marks. Each skill listed below has a brief guide and a video demonstrating the ideal approach to carry out the skill. What You Should Do About Cna Resume Skills Beginning in the Next Four Minutes You must pay for one more exam date. There are not any late registrations for CNA and students have to be registered to attend a course. If a student is absent from any portion of the clinical, IWCC is not going to issue a certificate and the student will have to repeat the full class. The students in my class proved so friendly and prepared to assist in any way they could. Employers like to realize that you have work experience of some type, at least. Then therell be advice that you want to tweak dependent on the job, including your objective together with your interests, which you discover that its feasible to put into the flexible area. Contemplating the fact you need a lot of practice, its a very good idea to search for a place it is possible to volunteer at. When taking pr actice tests make certain you understand why a given answer is the proper selection and give a wide berth to just memorizing the appropriate answers. Practice is a crucial part of getting ready for a test and improving a test takers chance of succeeding. To be successful on any sort of test you should practice and be well prepared. It is very important to realize that the practical test intends to prove which you arent only proficient but also understand how to keep your clients safe.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

What is Actually Going on with Write My Paper

What is Actually Going on with Write My Paper Hence, in the long run, the essay is not only going to be honed to perfection in conditions of language but also customized to each applicant. Once everything is fine, it is simple to download the document. Supply yur Nerd along with all the requirements to see whether your paper matches them. It will be delivered on the date that you have specified or sooner. The Dirty Facts on Write My Paper Other sorts of assignments cost differently, and their prices are easily estimated via the sites price calculator. Because of the numerous risks, youre most likely to face when you order and pay for essay on the internet, you have to be careful when picking the tafelgeschirr to trust. So, you may rest assured your term paper service is going to be delivered by means of a pro. Essay box is pleased with its highly professional customer service team. You dont know whether the writer is merely pretending to be good. Our writers also undergo a string of other training that could truly convince us they are fantastic for the job. All they pass a substantial procedure to check their skills. All their writers are believed to be qualified and possess the appropriate experience to generate quality papers. You may even select an available writer to communication panel, which offers an immediate communication between the author and the customer. Use a brief anecdote, a brief youre writing. Thus, lets say youve resolved to seek the services of an essay writing service the largest struggle is to spot which organization is the most appropriate for your requirements. The Advantages of Write My Paper Our professional writers are extensively trained and experienced, and well assign an individual with the right amount of expertise for your particular school assignment. Writing is a helpful skill to get, but it is not mandatory for all professions. Qualified authors will do their very best to fulfill your tutors demands as a way to satisfy all clients needs and make sure his high grades together with academic success. If youre a student who desperately wants an expert paper writing service, we promise to aid you in your endeavors. The way to the best essay is via WritePaperFor.Me. When you compose the essay all on your own, you leise have to visit the library to research on your favorite topic to discuss, etc.. Browsing our essay writing samples can provide you a sense whether the standard of our essays is the quality youre looking for. Writing an essay, or another paper for this matter, isnt just writing. Therefore, if you feel your skills in completing papers arent good enough to develop a terrific paper or admission essay which will help you get into college, take advantage of Pro-Papers. Eventually, every student learns how to produce something resembling an essay even if they may be critical about their writing abilities. In terms of the earlier mentioned argument that students who didnt compose the essay themselves will have a vague idea about whats being discussed in class, its also quite far-fetched. When you compose the essay by yourself, expect to experience lots of stress, especially in the event that you lack the writing skills and knowledge about academic essay writing. Great ideas should always be supported with a fantastic strategy and fantastic implementation program. Its understandable that one may seek out aid from time to time, and thats just what the purpose of custom writing services is. You may get in touch with your writer through our support department should you need to specify some essential points to earn your work more customized. You can also chat to your private writer on the internet to specify some extra nuances or correcting the work approach. Its correct that not all writers out there are equally good, but time has proven that low-qualified people dont last on the industry. Even if youre giving away a specific amount of money youre sti ll saving money due to the high quality paper writing they are able to deliver. You are able to quit worrying about who will compose your paper because we are here. Our custom made paper writing service is here to assist you, no matter your reason behind wanting us to compose your essay for you. If youre puzzling who can assist you with the assignment at the lowest price as youre a student and can be pressed for money, youre at the correct place as we offer cheap custom made writings. In contrast to different web web sites youll have to choose the writer you desire to operate with and will probably undoubtedly be in a position to stay in contact with them through the length of the custom. You are able to only find such assistance from custom writing sites. Even though theres a lot of choices in picking the proper essay writing service, youre still likely to struggle when seeking the best one.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Dont Allow Unhappiness to Hijack Your Career Path

Dont Allow Unhappiness to Hijack Your Career Path Many people are unhappy with their jobsperhaps theirsalary does not meet expectations, or they have not advancedas quickly as they would have liked, or they have wanted to leave but job prospects elsewhere have been slim. Faced with such situations, theymay decide that the only solution is to start from scratch in an entirely new career. However, a mid-career switch can be very risky, especially in a down economy. That brand new life could end up being a costly mistake.Not only could sucha move potentially require additional schooling and training, but it also returnsthe individual totheground floor, in terms of their role in the company. New-career job seekers quickly find that age and life experience will do little to get them beyond the entry level. On average, individuals who change careers can lose 20-50 percent of their former income on the n ew job. It can take an average of 5-10 years to get back to the former salary level after changing careers.The more years the individual has invested in a career, the longer it takes to equal the former salary in their new career. Career jumpersmay face significant lifestyle changes whenaccepting a salary reduction, and they are at an immediate disadvantage when it comes to competing for jobs.Employers cannot afford or are otherwise loathe to spend time and money on extensive training. When someone is hired to fill a lage, they areexpected to immediately begin contributing. Put briefly job experience is valued more than age and life experience.Even if the hypothetical career malcontent is able to move to another field, theycan expect to be outclassed by more experienced competition. Also, lower salary and on-the-job status arelikely to be a source of discontent over the long run, which could adversely affect job performance. This is why those who wish to make mid-career switches s hould consider changing industries, not functions.The source of a persons perceived career unhappiness is often not the career itself. It may be a bad boss, or the industry may be in a slump. It may also be that theposition is not challenging enough or lacks direction. Most career problems can usually be solved by moving to a new company and/or new industry. Most people need to find a new environment and start somewhere with a clean slate.In most areas, it is viable for people to transfer their functional skills to another industry and be accepted by that industry at competitive salary rates. From the employers standpoint, industry hoppersbring fresh perspectives to the more staid industry traditions. They may see situations differently and suggest new solutions.